Media coverage
Work about flamingos:
- Inside JEB: Flamingos starved in freezing conditions (Journal of Experimental Biology)
- Article on the cover of the Journal of Experimental Biology
- ScienceNews: French flamingos froze to death without freezing
- Camargue flamingos starved in freezing conditions in 1985 and 2012 mass mortalities
- 20 minutes: Vagues de froid en Camargue : les flamants roses morts de faim
- Vagues de froid en Camargue : les flamants roses meurent de faim
Work about gammarids and manipulative parasites:
- Environmental Change Could be Manipulating the Manipulators (BugBitten, blog de BioMed Central)
- Art drawing summing up my talk at the ISBE meeting (2016), by T. Hammond
- Leaders in Pharmaceutical Business Intelligence