Meetings and conferences
- Evolution with different sexes and sex ratios. SHOW meeting (Simultaneous and Sequential Hermaphroditic Organisms Workshop), Montpellier (France), 2020
- Parasites manipulateurs : Interaction hôtes/parasites et tests de comportement chez le gammare. Meeting of the CNRS zootechnicians, Paimpont (France), 2018
- Parasites to replace pesticides: Nematodes as a biocontrol against a major forest pest. 5th Young Natural History scientists' Meeting, Paris (France), 2018
- Effects of temperature on the impact of a manipulative parasite on its host. Biology Research Day, Maynooth (Ireland), 2017
- Special price of my poster
- Effects of abiotic environment on the impact of a manipulative parasite on its host. 4th Young Natural History scientists' Meeting, Paris (France), 2017
- Award: 3rd place for best poster (link)
- Temperature, manipulative parasites and amphipods behavior: consequences for trophic chain. ISBE - 16th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Exeter (UK), 2016
- Winner of the ISBE Bingo challenge (link)
- Température et parasites manipulateurs : altération des comportements et rôles d'amphipodes aquatiques. Forum of young researchers, 22nd edition, Besançon (France), 2016
- Effects of abiotic environment on the impact of a manipulative parasite on its host. ESEB - Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2015
- Effet des ressources de l'hôte sur les modifications induites par son parasite manipulateur. PhD day, Dijon (France), 2015
- Effet des ressources de l'hôte sur les modifications induites par son parasite manipulateur. Forum of young researchers, 21st edition, Dijon (France), 2015.
- Award: 4th place for best oral presentation
- Effects of abiotic environment on the impact of a manipulative parasite on its host. IECID - Impact of Environmental Changes on Infectious Diseases, Sitges (Spain), 2015
- Effects of food quality on the impact of a manipulative parasite on his host. Jacques Monod Conferences, “Infectious diseases as drivers of evolution: the challenges ahead”, Roscoff (France), 2014
- Les parasites manipulateurs sont-ils affectés par la température et les ressources de leurs hôtes ? Forum of young researchers, 20th edition, Besançon (France), 2014